Cytus 维基
标志 章节序号 标题 音乐家 BPM Easy难度 Hard难度 加入版本
第六章 - The Lost
LA-6 A-06 Alive: The Lost Sta 140 4 7 6.0
L6-1 Ⅵ-01 Dragon Warrior HOSKEY 100 3 7 3.0.1
L6-2 Ⅵ-02 Selfish Gene ani vocal by Rin 100 3 6 3.0.1
L6-3 Ⅵ-03 Realize Persona 181 5 7 3.0.1
L6-4 Ⅵ-04 Colorful Skies 3R2 146 4 9 3.0.1
L6-5 Ⅵ-05 IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD HAMO 152 3 6 3.0.1
L6-6 Ⅵ-06 BLOODY PURITY Eyemedia 155 8 9 3.0.1
L6-7 Ⅵ-07 LOGICAL STEPS yamajet 130 3 8 3.0.1
L6-8 Ⅵ-08 Niflheimr xi 180 3 8 3.0.1
L6-9 Ⅵ-09 OLD GOLD Cranky 155 3 8 3.0.1
L6-10 Ⅵ-10 THE BLOCKS WE LOVED Killerblood 134 2 9 3.0.1

...[ | ]

function Operator:allocateStorage(size)
    local db = self:acquireDatabase()

    while db:getAvailableSpace() < size do
        local dated_item = db:query{
            number = 1,
            tag = "emotion",
            sort = "timestamp",

    local chunk = db:reserveSpace(size)
    return chunk